With training in the legal profession, Becky is an industry outsider on a mission to change the way people think about skincare. Her athletic journey began with her first ballet class when she was 7-years-old. As an adult, she went on to teach pole dance classes at a boutique dance studio prior to moving Peru. Deep in the Andes Mountains, Becky lived in a simple adobe brick home with no indoor plumbing, no internet, and no access to grocery stores. She spent her time outdoors doing all manner of physical labor, leading backpacking excursions, and running the community-based tour company she founded. She flew halfway around the globe to study yoga at an ashram in Lonavla, India, shortly before beginning her jiu jitsu journey in 2014. She currently holds the rank of purple belt in jiu jitsu and regularly switches between fighting, dancing, and running.

Becky wanted to bring the most important elements of Peru's simple lifestyle back home to California. She began to strip her life of mindless consumption and to make sure she was intentional with her purchases. The number of steps required for traditional skincare felt incredibly wasteful. She searched for high quality, one-and-done products to use on her entire body - and couldn’t find any.

Since Becky trained so hard in so many different athletic pursuits, she expected her personal care products to work just as hard. Becky's vision was to streamline her routine with low-waste products that eliminated cheap, sensitizing ingredients. She was adamant that each product needed to work from scalp to toe, or it wasn't good enough.

Athletes face a number of skin challenges that would benefit from a simple, yet dynamic, routine. Exposure to the elements, dehydration, chafing, and irritation are all a normal part of training. Even going from the gym to work required a simple, quality personal care routine that would be lightweight and easy to pack. Not to mention that races, competitions, trainings, intensive immersion camps, and adventure trips are rarely close to home. Who wants to drag a bulky toiletry bag to race day?

Mil Usos is Spanish for “one thousand uses”. It also means "a handyman” - you know, that sought after gal or guy that can fix everything? Becky created Mil Usos to be the handyman that'll take care of all your skincare needs with as few products as possible.